A sandbox for projects; a home for communities
The Sludge Hub is a network of Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) that hosts projects in post-coal spaces. It provides support services and community access to a wide range of eco-concerned organizations and individuals.
Our family of practitioners come from all sections of society and have one central value in common: a drive to create ecological prosperity and build community in the crater of the outbound coal industry.
The Sludge Hub is more than a project space; it is a living breathing community space for Earth's champions to assemble and enjoy.
The Sludge Hub & Company is themed around a central environmental remediation problem; Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) sludge. There is a gargantuan volume of sludge being generated by the treatment of waterways that have been poisoned by AMD seeping out of abandoned coal mines. The Sludge Hub & Company has been designed as the first network dedicated to connecting restoration project leads with AMD sludge for research purposes.